Learning in Secondary School

One of the major goals for students in Years 7 - 10 is to continue to develop a positive work ethic both in the classroom and in home study.  

Subjects Years 7 - 10

Students in Years 7 - 10 study all of the subjects, as designated by the Australian curriculum.  Students are immersed in the 21st Century learning skills that have been universally recognised as being a vital component for success.  These have been incorporated into the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum and include Critical and Creative Thinking, Digital Literacy, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding, Literacy, Numeracy and Personal and Social capabilities.

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Social Sciences (History, Geography, Economics and Civics and Citizenship)
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Arts (Drama, Dance, Visual Art, Music)
  • Technologies (Digital Technologies, Design Technologies, Food Technology, Engineering Principles and Systems and Media Arts)
  • Science
  • Language (Japanese and Spanish)

At the end of Year 10, students choose six subjects they would like to study more deeply in Years 11 and 12.

Subjects Years 11 - 12

It is expected that by the end of Year 10, students will have developed the required work ethic and skills to make best use of the opportunities in Secondary years.  Continuing enrolment relies on a demonstrated positive approach to study, whether the student is intending tertiary entry or a vocational pathway.

Students in Years 11 - 12 are required to study 6 subjects, including English and Mathematics.  Please note, elective subject options are based upon meeting required numbers and classes.

Electives offered:

  • General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, Specialist Mathematics, Essential Mathematics*
  • English, Essential English*, Literature
  • Biology, Chemistry, Marine Science, Physics and Psychology
  • Accounting, Business, Economics, Ancient History, Modern History, Legal Studies
  • Japanese, Spanish
  • Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Art
  • Health, Physical Education
  • Design, Digital Solutions, Engineering, Film, Television and New Media, Hospitality Practices*

In Year 12 only, English and Literature Extension and Music Extension may be offered. 

*Essential Mathematics, Essential English and Hospitality Practices are Applied Subjects. Students may have study more than one of these, but only one will count towards an ATAR calculation.

Pathways for Secondary Years

As part of the College’s focus on the needs of individual students, a number of pathways open up in the Secondary Years 10 - 12.

  • A straight academic program.
  • A combination of academic subjects with one vocational subject.
  • An accelerated program in one or more subjects, where students can complete Year 12 earlier (this usually follows from an accelerated program in earlier years).
  • The Honours Program for students interested in more challenging academic learning – this includes additional topics, mentoring and personal projects.

University subjects after early completion of Year 12, and some in conjunction with Senior subjects that offer University credit.

Full vocational focus with Work experience, student traineeships and apprenticeships.

Modified Secondary Year programs for high performing students in sport or cultural activities.

Enrichment Activities

At our College, academic studies are enhanced by a wide range of additional activities. These encompass workshops led by visiting experts, competitions, expos, field trips, excursions, debates, public speaking opportunities, musical and dramatic performances and other activities that may be introduced periodically.

Reporting to Parents

The new academic year commences at the start of Term 4. Towards the end of Term 1 - Parent/Teacher interviews are scheduled.
End of Term 1 - A full written report on Semester One.
During Term 3 - Parent teacher interviews are again scheduled.
End of Term 3 - A full written report on Semester Two is sent home.

Parents are always welcome to make an appointment with a teacher to discuss their child’s progress at other times. The Student Diary is an important means of communication between the College and home. Parents are asked to check their child's diary each evening.

Year 9 (2025) Subject Selection Handbook

Year 10 (2025) Subject Selection Handbook

Year 11 (2025) Subject Selection Handbook