Learning in the Junior School

Learning in the Junior School

At A.B. Paterson College, our goal is for students to become confident and independent learners, able to meet new challenges, and to do so with resilience, a love of learning and discovery. In order to do this, our students are nurtured by caring teachers, who encourage their students to reflect on their own learning and effort and look for continuous improvement. Our teachers work closely with parents in a learning partnership, intended to provide an outstanding level of care for a happy and growth-promoting climate in which children love to learn.

Our curriculum is based on the Australian curriculum and includes:

•    English
•    Mathematics
•    Humanities & Social Sciences
•    Science
•    Technologies
•    Language/s
•    The Arts
•    Health and Physical Education

All students in the Junior School have access to various digital technologies to aid their learning. Each classroom in the Junior School has computers connected to our College Intranet and the Internet. In Prep to Year 3, students have access to computers on a daily basis. Students in Years 4 - 6 are supplied with their own devices to use across all aspects of the curriculum.  The Teaching and Learning program is enhanced by the use of many online learning platforms from Prep to Year 6.

Prep students are introduced to sight words and daily reading from Term 1. Children’s prior skill levels are benchmarked through testing so that progress can be monitored. Each child develops through activities that respond to the Australian Curriculum.  Specialist Music, Dance, Drama, Health and Physical Education and Japanese teachers work with our Prep students. Each Prep class has one teacher and one full-time learning assistant.

Students in Years 1-3 have the opportunity to participate in streamed Mathematics groups. For other curriculum areas, such as English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Visual Art, and Technologies, the students work with the class teacher, who is guided by the Australian Curriculum, as well as the Teaching for Understanding pedagogy, to deliver a robust curriculum. The College has developed very specialised and successful programs in Mathematics and English that result in an excellent level of achievement. Specialist Music, Dance, Drama, Health and Physical Education, and Japanese teachers work with the children. 

In Years 4 - 6, students work in needs-based groupings for Mathematics and English. This includes a fifth stream for extension in Mathematics. The curriculum expands from Year 4 to include Instrumental Music (strings and wind) and a broader exploration of Science, Humanities & Social Sciences, and the Arts.

The Teaching for Understanding framework is used from Prep to Year 6, and thinking routines are incorporated into real-life learning activities to help young people retain their natural curiosity and interest in new ideas.

Parents are always welcome to make an appointment with a teacher to discuss their child’s progress. The Student Planner is an important means of communication between the College and home. Parents are asked to check their child’s Student Planner each evening.

Enrichment Activities

Students may participate in a variety of opportunities including: Poetry Evening (own and ‘borrowed’ poetry); Extension Reading and Mathematics groups, various National and State competitions; Unbeelievable Spelling Competition, the Write Stuff Competition, Maths Masters, MakerSpace programs and the A.B. Paterson Public Speaking Competition.

Co-curricular Activities

There are a number of after-school activities such as Dance, Chess and Art Clubs that students can elect to join, as well as Instrumental and Speech Lessons during school time. Each of these is a paid activity directly between the parents and tutor.

Reporting to Parents

  • During Term 1:  Parent-Teacher Interviews
  • End of Term 2:  Learning Journey and a full written report
  • During Term 3:  Parent-Teacher Interviews
  • End of Term 4:  Learning Journey and a full written report

Parents are always welcome to make an appointment with a teacher to discuss their child’s progress at other times. The Student Diary is an important means of communication between the College and home. Parents are asked to check their child’s diary each evening.