Careers & Vocational Education

The careers service at A.B. Paterson College comprises more than just career planning, it is viewed as an integral part of the students' learning journey, providing students with the opportunity for:

  • Career Education;
  • Career Planning; and
  • Vocational Education and Training

Our formal Career Education Program provides students with the opportunity to obtain a greater understanding of themselves and the world of work, through explicit instruction and hands-on activities in designated career education lessons within the S.E.L.F. Program.  These lessons focus on identifying areas of interest, examining personal strengths and weaknesses, researching possible work choice options combined with post-school options, such as attending university or TAFE.  The Career Education Program at the College is a sequential program, with each year level flowing into the next, with information presented that is age appropriate and relevant.

All students in the Senior School have access to the Head of Pathways for individual career planning sessions, to discuss their academic and post-school goals.  This service provides peace of mind for students and parents, knowing that there is a professional career practitioner on the College staff to discuss their concerns and to brainstorm career options.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is growing rapidly in the College, with students and families recognising the benefits of supplementing College subjects with school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, or certificate qualifications.  At A.B. Paterson College, we recognise that there is no one size fits all when it comes to education.  In order for students to undertake VET pathways, the College works closely with private providers, employers and registered training organisations, such as TAFE Gold Coast.

Parents are actively involved in the process of helping their children make informed subject selection choices and post-school choices.  The partnership between parents and the College consists of attendance at various information evenings with stand-out examples being the Year 9 student/parent/mentor night, parent/student Subject Selection Trade Show, and the Year 12 Tertiary Application Process Information Session.  Information is also disseminated to students and parents via the College website, email, and career information sessions with external guest speakers.

A.B. Paterson College recognises the need to get students talking about career options and pathways from a young age. Students and parents are encouraged to make use of the services available to them in order to further support their learning journey and post-school options.

Amelia Hands
Head of Pathways