From the Principal's Desk

In an era characterised by rapid technological advancements and a constantly changing global landscape, the achievements of our students highlight the significance of adaptability and a commitment to lifelong learning, underscored by Angela Duckworth's powerful concept of grit. Over the past holiday period, our staff members have read Duckworth's book Grit, and we are excited to incorporate its principles into our educational approach, influencing our students as they return to A.B. Paterson College.

Duckworth's insights on grit align seamlessly with our students' endeavours, emphasizing perseverance and passion for long-term goals. These accomplishments serve as a testament to the quality of education provided by A.B. Paterson College, reflecting the dedication and expertise of our staff. We are confident that integrating the principles of grit into our teaching approach will further enhance our students' resilience and determination.

The success achieved is a result of collaborative efforts within the community and our partnership with parents. Supporting students in their educational journey requires dedication, and we appreciate the unshakable confidence and faith you have shown in our ethos, values, and sense of purpose.

Moreover, the diverse range of student accomplishments emphasizes the vast potential residing within our young people. A.B. Paterson College has nurtured individuals with various talents, interests, and aspirations, aligning with Duckworth's emphasis on cultivating unique strengths. Each student's journey reflects the idea that everyone has something distinctive to offer, and our duty as a school is to foster and celebrate these talents.

From academic excellence to creative expressions, athletic prowess, and extensive volunteering, students consistently demonstrate determination and compassion. Duckworth's teachings on grit echo through these endeavours, showcasing that resilience and empathy know no bounds.

While celebrating our students' achievements, it is essential to recognize that with success comes responsibility. Duckworth's concept of grit encourages students to see their accomplishments as a tool for shaping the future. Empowered by their achievements, our students have the potential to make a positive impact on society, contribute to community betterment, and address the pressing challenges of our time.

As we start 2024, our commitment is to continue supporting and empowering students to channel their accomplishments into meaningful contributions to our College community and the world beyond the Gold Coast. These achievements, influenced by the principles of grit, are not the final destination but rather significant markers on their journey towards a brighter, more promising future for themselves and for all of us.

Joanne Sheehy | Principal